Thursday 31 May 2012

The Apprentice

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that chilvalry seems to be dead, especially when watching "The Apprentice?"  If I saw it once last night, I saw it a hundred times, not once did any of the young guys hold the door for the last remaining lady.  Now I do realise that we did burn bra's in the 60's and, yes-yes-yes, we have knicked your jobs BUT, its a shame.  My father always held a door for a lady and I still know many men who do.  If I had a son, I would be teaching him good manners towards the fairer sex, but it seems most mothers do not.  Last night, all the boys went through the door first and didnt even have the manners to hold the door.  Mind you, she may have told them not to of course, shame though, have we begun to breed a nation of boys who are now incapable of being the shining knights of the future?  Get those fairy tale books out boys, read about the princes and the way they used to romance the girl, dont become yet another victim of blinking womens lib!!  There are still ladies amoung us who like the niceties of having a door held, a chair pulled out to allow them to sit and the wine poured at the table, dont become indifferent to the fairer sex, however many balls we may be able to break in the boardroom!!! Satis Dea xxx

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