Wednesday 30 May 2012

Meeting your prince on the internet

Girls...... meeting your prince on the internet, fact vs fiction...... I have a few friends that have met dream dates and stuck with them and are now happy and settled, my own experience has not been quite so good, Ive settled for "Mr Bloke", "Mr Broke", "Mr (no) Hope", "Mr Lemon (bitter & twisted)", "Mr Black (moody)", etc, etc, etc, but never found a prince, rather than a Castle, its been a bedsit, rather than take me out for dinner, its been me paying, rather than flowers, Ive had it explained that they are a waste of money, I have even dated a vegetarian that killed every type of insect going!! (but not including himself - shame)!!  So, whats the secret, is there a mantra or a holy challace that can give me the gift of success in internet dating or should I simply unplug the computer and go down the gym/pub?? The dot com generation of middle-muggles (or older ladies n gents) are we just a prize for the internet predators who make money by us being terminal disasters......???  Do we keep the industry going by trying, failing and trying again??  Is there a secret or do we just decide to sell ourselves short...... I for one, wont be......Peace.....Satis Dea x x x

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