Thursday 31 May 2012

My Fitness Pal

Hey ladies, if you are looking for some help and guidance on the diet and exercise front, log on to this is a site that calculates calories and gives you points for exercise - it costs nothing but your time and is a brilliant resource for helping you with making healthy choices and it doesn't cost a penny, you dont need to pay a weekly fee to get some back up and advice and your friends can join to.....Satis Dea xxx


If I didn't have a calendar, I would still know it was bank holiday and half term next week, they are putting up roadworks everywhere!!!!!

The Apprentice

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that chilvalry seems to be dead, especially when watching "The Apprentice?"  If I saw it once last night, I saw it a hundred times, not once did any of the young guys hold the door for the last remaining lady.  Now I do realise that we did burn bra's in the 60's and, yes-yes-yes, we have knicked your jobs BUT, its a shame.  My father always held a door for a lady and I still know many men who do.  If I had a son, I would be teaching him good manners towards the fairer sex, but it seems most mothers do not.  Last night, all the boys went through the door first and didnt even have the manners to hold the door.  Mind you, she may have told them not to of course, shame though, have we begun to breed a nation of boys who are now incapable of being the shining knights of the future?  Get those fairy tale books out boys, read about the princes and the way they used to romance the girl, dont become yet another victim of blinking womens lib!!  There are still ladies amoung us who like the niceties of having a door held, a chair pulled out to allow them to sit and the wine poured at the table, dont become indifferent to the fairer sex, however many balls we may be able to break in the boardroom!!! Satis Dea xxx

Wednesday 30 May 2012

16 vs 12

I was reading a survey today that men love curvy girls and will always vote for a size 16 curvy girl than a size 12 skinny girl....... this made me this true??  If so, why arent all the television ads for clothes etc advertised by size 16?  Why isnt the girl rolling on the bed with Mr-Hottie in the Joop advert on TV in size 16-18 knickers? or the swimsuit ads overtaken by girls with boobs and bums?? My summer holiday is looming so I did my try on of 'Kinis' looking in the mirror wondering if Greenpeace will be alerted when I take my first step on the sand and then thought, its bigger than it should be, but its ok, all the curves are in the right place.....I should be proud of the mileage in my frame !!! By no means am I a new flash Mini, I am more of a reliable Ford Focus, some mileage, some dents and scrapes, nice colour, great interior, flashy extras and a really good runner...... sizable boot and bonnet and very bright lights.  Celebrate your current model, dont trade it in for a new one...... Happy Days ......Satis Dea xxx

Meeting your prince on the internet

Girls...... meeting your prince on the internet, fact vs fiction...... I have a few friends that have met dream dates and stuck with them and are now happy and settled, my own experience has not been quite so good, Ive settled for "Mr Bloke", "Mr Broke", "Mr (no) Hope", "Mr Lemon (bitter & twisted)", "Mr Black (moody)", etc, etc, etc, but never found a prince, rather than a Castle, its been a bedsit, rather than take me out for dinner, its been me paying, rather than flowers, Ive had it explained that they are a waste of money, I have even dated a vegetarian that killed every type of insect going!! (but not including himself - shame)!!  So, whats the secret, is there a mantra or a holy challace that can give me the gift of success in internet dating or should I simply unplug the computer and go down the gym/pub?? The dot com generation of middle-muggles (or older ladies n gents) are we just a prize for the internet predators who make money by us being terminal disasters......???  Do we keep the industry going by trying, failing and trying again??  Is there a secret or do we just decide to sell ourselves short...... I for one, wont be......Peace.....Satis Dea x x x

Dating Sites

I was chatting to one of "the girls" today, her sparkling resident smile of the last few months had lost its brilliance "her Prince" of almost four months has turned on his heels and fled - no reason given - just disappeared - and now back on - shame - Satis Dea xxx

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Mirror mirror on the wall

Mirror mirror on the wall - who is that hiddeous monstrosity staring back at me - i was a princess when i went to bed - now Shrek is looking at me !!! God - and just to make matters worse i now have to weigh myself!!! - Satis Dea xxx